
Mersenne Twister generators with well-chosen parameters. Mt11213b offers a generator with a period of 2^11213 - 1 and a 32-bit datatype, while Mt19937 and Mt19937_64 offer generators with 32- and 64-bit datatypes respectively, both having a period of 2^19937 - 1. The three generators offer a good uniform distribution in up to 350, 623 and 311 dimensions respectively. Mt19937 is the most typical configuration, widely used in many different programming languages as a high-quality default random number generator.

alias Mt11213b = MersenneTwisterEngine!(uint, 32, 351, 175, 19, 0xccab8ee7U, 11, 0xffffffffU, 7, 0x31b6ab00U, 15, 0xffe50000U, 17, 1812433253U)


// Initialize a Mersenne Twister seeded with constant default value
auto rng = new Mt19937;
auto n = rng.front;  // same for each run
// Seed with a thread-safe unpredictable value
n = rng.front;  // different across runs

For extensive information on the Mersenne Twister generator and the choices of parameters, see the Mersenne Twister homepage hosted by the Department of Mathematics at Hiroshima University.
