Constructs an XorshiftEngine using the default seed configuration.
Constructs an XorshiftEngine generator seeded with x0.
Returns the current pseudo-random value.
Compares against rhs for equality.
Advances the pseudo-random sequence.
Captures a range state.
(Re)seeds the generator with x0.
Always false (random number generators are infinite ranges).
Mark this as a Rng
Largest generated value.
Smallest generated value (0).
The Xorshift family of generators, developed by George Marsaglia (2003), offer high-quality random number generation with minimal storage requirements and computational cost. They are therefore highly suitable for use in low-memory environments or slower processors. The current implementation supports Xorshift random number generation with a 32-bit datatype only.
The total number of bits used to store the internal state is reflected in the statistical quality of the resulting generator. The table below lists the number of bits used by each Xorshift generator (which must be a multiple of the datatype size) and the corresponding period of the generator.